Songham Spirit of Taekwondo:
As class begins:
I will practice in the spirit of Taekwondo
with Courtesy for fellow students,
Loyalty for my instructor,
and Respect for my juniors and seniors,
... Sir/Ma'am!"
As class ends:
I shall live with Perseverance in the Spirit of Taekwondo,
having Honor with others,
Integrity within myself,
and Self Control over my actions,
... Sir/Ma'am!"
Videos below are found on the ATA Martial Arts website - note, you must sign in to view
Ssahng Jeol Bong / Nun-chuck
Ssahng Jeol Bong / Nun-chuck
Bahng Mahng Ee / Stick or Combat Stick
Bahng Mahng Ee / Stick or Combat Stick
Jahng Bong / Bo staff
Jahng Bong / Bo staff
Form is learned by 2nd Degree Black Belts
Link to 2nd Degree Bo staff video by segments
Link to Mr. P recommended Jahng Bong video (no sign-in needed) --