Karate for Kids

Karate for Kids is a specialized program created exclusively for children ages 7 through 12, teaching the fundamentals of martial arts.  The training is designed to be fun and fulfilling for each student. This is because Taekwondo is an individual activity rather than a team sport. Therefore, every student is an active and valuable participant in class. They work out with kids their own age and progress at their own pace.   In addition, the foundation of the curriculum is the education and development of life skills such as discipline, respect, and self-esteem. With those life skills, students gain a positive mental attitude, learn to set goals and gain confidence in themselves.

The Karate for Kids program is perfect for parents looking for an activity that is not just great exercise but that also teaches their school age children lessons they will use throughout their life. The way children learn and what motivates them is the reason we offer a program exclusively for children.

Upper color belts (Blue through Red) are starting to learn Color Belt Weapons forms.  Here is the link to the ATA site, which has videos, you will need to sign in to your ATA profile to access the video:

Color Belt Weapons forms

This session, look for Single Ssahng Jeol Bong video.

Songham Spirit of Taekwondo:

As class begins:


I will practice in the spirit of Taekwondo

with Courtesy for fellow students,

Loyalty for my instructor,

and Respect for my juniors and seniors,

... Sir/Ma'am!"

As class ends:


I shall live with Perseverance in the Spirit of Taekwondo,

having Honor with others,

Integrity within myself,

and Self Control over my actions,

... Sir/Ma'am!"